Saturday, August 13, 2005

Rustlin' Prey

I love to slide!! .. purrr... meow ... At home, I slide across mom's wood floor in her bedroom. She has a rug on the floor beside her bed that makes the best slide. I get a running start from the laundry room and as soon as I hit the rug I go sailing across the floor. Wheeeeeeeeee!!! Of course, this irritates her. ya know she is a party pooper..... She is always coming in and straightening back the tussled rug. But that is ok, she is silly, it is hard to slide when it is all bunched up... when it is fixed, I go sailing again....meow... purrr... I'm teaching the babies, Gizmo and Missy, to slide too. They're not as good at it though. ... purrrrr... But we keep practicing and they will get good at it in no time.

The floor in the shop is purrfect for sliding. It is smooth concrete and I glide across it like it was an icy pond. Little pieces of paper become my prey, isolating one, I stalk it like it was a fat juicy mouse. Crouching down low, as if hiding from curious eyes, I slink towards my pseudo mouse. meow... I pounce!! and run off quickly, spinning out cause there is no traction. A few feet away, I stop, turn and watch intently. Ready to make my move, I jump up and run full force. I pounce again, this time sliding with my prey between my paws. Sprawled out, my fur fluffed out at my sides, mom laughs and says I look like a dust-mop. Now, these dust-mop things must be funny cause she keeps laughing at me as I dart around the floor. I pay her no mind, I am having too much fun sliding around. There are a lot of boxes to hide behind, so I take up my post, peeking cautiously around the corner. The coast is clear, again I run full force, pouncing, sliiiidddding.... oopppss, noooo braaaakes...spinnning outt as I try to avoid the cabinet coming up fast .... meowwwww.... smack! Shaking my head, I get to my feet. Mom comes running, "Kodi ... are you ok" I manage my most pitiful "mew". She scoops me up in her arms, scratching my ears and snugglin' me tight. (Not sooo tight, Mom, I need to breathe).... mew..mew.. ahhh... a little more on the left ear, please, that's it ... and under the chin ... purring loudly, I settle in for a catnap. I'll live to rustle prey another day...


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